Today, I cooked Shrimp and Rice Gumbo. My husband liked it but the kids thought it was too slimy(okra). Surprisingly, mom and dad enjoyed it. I was expecting a list of critiques from my mom, but none was given. She only told me to give it a few more tries.
I always thought that making gumbo was hard, given all of the ingredients. "How can you not cook gumbo and you are from Louisiana?" Those words still ring in my ear as I stir my flour hoping that it won't be too lumpy. My mom will tell you that I was too busy reading and copying the encyclopedia to join her in the kitchen so that I could learn how to brown the flour just right. The smell of browning flour is like none other, but I was amazed by the information contained in our set of encyclopedias that I was not interested in the gumbo making process. During those years, the only thing that interested me about cooking was how quickly mom could put together a full course meal for five eager people.
So, of course, I prematurely added the chicken broth to the flour. I did not give up. Plan B. I simply browned more flour and added it to the pot. I must say that I exceeded my expectations with this one.
Next time I will brown my flour a little longer and add the okra a little later.