I remember when my cousin and I would take just about every seasoning in my grandmother's kitchen and mix it together. We weren't trying to make anything in particular but we always managed to make a mess. We were imitating our grandmother who cooked without recipes or measuring cups. She would always make it seem so simple. Our young minds did not understand at the time that she had years of cooking for the church and for her family under her apron and probably could do it with her eyes closed, we couldn’t.
I've managed to create concoctions in life with some of my decisions, but like we did to the mess that we created in Momo's kitchen, I’ve cleaned it up, let it go and started over many times.
This was my first time making the dish of which I have no name because it came and went so quickly. I creatively used mini pasta, sausages, spaghetti sauce, onions and peppers, lots of peppers. I was pleased with the outcome and very happy that I received a simple but good review, “This is good, ma.”