We look forward to mom's biscuits like a kid looks forward to a Happy Meal. Her biscuits are extraordinary. Literally. They are the size of two Pilsbury biscuits put together and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner or for a mid afternoon snack. Not everyone can appreciate the sizing of mom's biscuits. My husband won't eat them. He's thrown off by their grandness. I grew up with them so I am okay with the fact that her biscuits are bigger than the palm of my hand, I understand.
With more than enough time on my hand during the 2011 Atlanta Snow Storm, I decided to make my own homemade biscuits. I pulled out "The Black Family Dinner Quilt Cookbook" and got started on what would turn out to be a pleasing, therapeutic and memorable experience.
The kids and I enjoyed the batch of biscuits. They were no where near the size of mom's. As many other great things in life, that will come with practice and time. The simple pleasure with cooking biscuits on a icy, frigid day was hearing the kids say 'Mom when are the biscuits going to be ready?' as they passed through the kitchen and watching them soak up syrup with my tiny biscuits in their hand and a smile on their face.