On January 1, 2011, I did something that would have my sister to think that I was temporarily insane and would want my husband to divorce me. I had to question and re-question my own intentions..'Again, why am I doing this?' People around the world do it all the time and many, many years ago, some people had no choice but to do it. And it's for those who endured it that I did it.
I admit, I gave good reason for my sister to question my sanity and my husband to want to leave me, temporarily that is. What I did was.... simply put......disgusting. But with every bite and with every whiff of the stench of chitterlings that made it from the pot, throughout the entire house, into the fabric of my clothes and through my nostril canal, I thought about my ancestors who ate it out of necessity and in turn, passed it on to become a New Years tradition for many African American families.